I like to consider myself a responsible person. However, I
am about as irresponsible as possible while still managing to turn my work in
on time. Why is that, you may ask? The answer is simple; I am a victim of the
"student's curse," the art of procrastination.
I call it an art because there are several ways one can
procrastinate, if you don’t believe me ask Hamlet! Apart from incessant rants
and endless tirades thinking about the task he has to carry out, he also
manages to set up a play in order to confirm his suspicions, show his somewhat
mixed feelings to the woman he loves, kill her father, enrage her brother and
kill his mother. All for the sake of procrastination. Ingenious.
However, as I write this mere hours before it is due, I
cannot help but wonder whether all procrastinators leave things until the last
minute because maybe, in some level of our subconscious, we enjoy the rush of
knowing time is running out and there is still work to be done. Or maybe we are
masochists who enjoy doing other things while thinking about what we should be
doing, yet continue to do whatever it is that is somehow impeding us from completing
our task.
The question we must ask ourselves is what do we get from
procrastination? Is there a reason we do it time and time again? Doesn't it
often result in increasing levels of stress, lack of sleep, and self chastising
for not having finished it before? It does, yet we decide to change our ways
some other day, we have more important things to do at the moment. Or do we?